WHAT IS NETWORK MARKETING ?:- Basically Network Marketing is a medium where you can earn unlimited Money by your work. It's a type of business where you are your own boss, you cam work as your wish, as your needs. Simply you join in MLM (Multi Level Marketing) or Network Marketing company then you have to add people as distributors and promote the products or services of company. ( You are promoting some products for free now. You can see your daily life, when someone asks you to buy which perfume or which paste is good for them then you recommend the product you use. But the company doesn't pay you for this. But in MLM , the company pay for this.) TYPES OF NETWORK MARKETING COMPANY :- There are two types of Network Marketing company ;- (i) GENUINE ...

Hey Jinventors, Everyone want people always like them. You also want. But you make some mistakes for which everyone start hating you. And they start ignoring you. So why they do so ? Here are the reasons;- (1) IF YOU ARE A NEGATIVE PERSON:- Suppose your friends/colleguaes suggest something to do or somewhere to go , but you say that it's impossible, no one can do this, ot can't be. If you give this type of negative suggestions always, then your colleagues start ignoring you. So stay positive always. But remember that if they are asking to do some illegal work the say ‘no’ to them. (2) IF YOU ARE TOO NEEDY :- Generally people love that person who is independent. So if you are dependent to others for a little work, then people start ignoring you. So be independent always. (3) IF YOU ARE TOO OPINIONATE:- Giving your op...