About Us

Hello ,
          I am jiban kumar. Jinventor is a website where you can get all business related informations & knowledges as like as :-
(1) Business ideas :
      How to earny money online , new business ideas with very low investment , business ideas for students.
(2) startups :
      About their business model , revenue , some facts & how they started
(3) Business related knowledges:
     Like what is mutual funds? , what is entrepreneurship , what is cryptocurrency ?
(4)young inspirations:
    About some young entrepreneurs , how they started , what is their income and more infos.
(5) Entrepreneurs :
    How the greatest entrepreneurs Bill Gates , Elon Musk , Jeff Bezos earn money ? How they started ? Qualifications ? Biography ?
(6) Jinventor monthly :
    This is our monthly magazine type article .
(7)Brands :
 How brands like apple, Lamborghini , BMW , SAMSUNG started ? What is their net worth and some unknown facts about the brands .
(8) Also about lifestyle,money, career and more.....

Email :- mailtosudhir1975@gmail.com
Follow us :
        Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/jinventor2108/
Facebook page :-https://m.facebook.com/jiban2108?_rdr

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