How Google started? - How It Earns Money?

Hey Jinventors ,
        You all know about Google . So today we are going to talk about how Google started & now how Google earns money . So start it :-

(1).How did Google started :-
     In 1995 in Google story begins . It began to start found university . Two student lary page & sergey Brin . At first there was a person named ,"Scott Hassan " , who wrote a lot code for "Google ". But after some time he left Google and found the company ' willow Garage ' in 2006 .At initial days Google was named as 'Backrub ' .And in August 1998 Google got a $100,000 founding & from that year Google started growing & now you can see ' Google ' .
(2). How Google earns money :-
     You know that Google is a company which provides many other service like : Gmail , YouTube , maps , web , play store etc . And don't have to pay a Single dollar for this services . But how Google earns money ? Answer is so simple . 
              Let's takes an example, in q4 2017 Google earned $31.91 biliun & $27.27of this were due to its ads . So now a question arises how ? 

        So Google ads business is again decided into the main components :- 
2- admob
Let's briefly understand it ;
1.Adwords :- 
    Basically its an advertising service provide by Google for business for indivisuals wanting to display ads on Google . And Google charges some price for this .
2. Admob :-
   It means advertising on mobile . It's basically designed for advertising on smartphone . Generally in mobile apps . From admob An developer get 60% of earning and rest 40% taken by Google .
3. AdSense :-
   It's basically a platform where creators can earn money via there website & YouTube channel . For adserve Google takes 20 - 40% & rest 60- 80% give to creaters .
       So here is how Google earn 85% of money from ads and rest 15% for app subscription and other sources .
    And here Google earns $5000 per minute & net revenue is $97.2 bilion .
           So for this type of article and knowledge stay turned with us .



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