Almost all of us are aware of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is one of the 10 increation of Lord Vishnu . Krishna more than Hindu god , is a true spiritual guru in this universe. He educated the world about devotion , and dharam as well as the eventual reality . Lord Krishna has been a role model for the people in the every sense in the past in the today's modern world and certainly will remain in future . Krishna has many life lessons & here are some lessons we should adopt to live great life . 1. Be humble and generous Lord Krishna was the king of dwarika and ruled over here . It shows how generous and humble Lord Krishna is . Be generous enough to give people to be happy in there lives . 2. Don't work harder , work intelligently The battle of kurukshetra was not fight with only strength , but it was fight with intelligent and strategy . A hard working person way work hard fo...

Now we are going to talk about you can actually do Or how can you respond to in sults . So the first thing you go to remember when you are faced with an insult I'd to stay calm . So they want to ensure that you get angry or you just may be break down and cry . But you are now at going to give them satisfaction of the kind of the reaction . Express , how you exactly feel It is also very important to tell the person who is insulating you how you exactly feel . So you can also tell them that if what they doing is illegal it can have . Unforeseen or unpleasant circumstances for them . So when you are face with an insult it is important that you tell the person who has insulting you what you actual feel . Simple ignore The next point know when responding to an ...