Do you want to be Successful ? Here is Life Lessons by Lord Krishna | Jinventor

  Almost all of us are aware of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is one of the 10 increation of Lord Vishnu . Krishna more than Hindu god , is a true spiritual guru in this universe. He educated the world about devotion , and dharam as well as the eventual reality .
      Lord Krishna has been a role model for the people in the every sense in the past in the today's modern world and certainly will remain in future . 
       Krishna has many life lessons & here are some lessons we should adopt to live great life .
1. Be humble and generous 
  Lord Krishna was the king of dwarika and ruled over here . It shows how generous and humble Lord Krishna is . Be generous enough to give people to be happy in there lives . 

2. Don't work harder , work intelligently 
    The battle of kurukshetra was not fight with only strength , but it was fight with intelligent and strategy . A hard working person way work hard for more hurtes completely multiple task , but an intelligent persons manage to do so quickly . 

3. Never give up on what you love 
   Krishna had a deep love for the flute , and  he never stopped playing it just because of our hobbies because of our many .

4. Smile always 
  Lord Krishna smilled always , right for his birth Krishna many adversities . But he dealt with each and every . One of them with a smile on his face . No matter how big triggeredy we should face we have to deal with a smile on our face . 

5. Value friendship and love 
   The way Lord Krishna treated shudam and childhood friendship . Apart from this he also differentiate  betweenr rich and poor friends either . We are social animal and we thrive in relationships . 
Lesson -6 Being of service to our fellow life 
  No matter what , being of service to mankind has considered as being of service to God .
Lesson-7 Taking one day at a time 
  It is easy to get budget down by challenge circumstance , but staying mindfull and present can make things which easier . 
Lessons - 8 Help people challenge with you spiritual knowledge 
 Everyone makes mistakes , sometimes terribly ones . Don't be a doormat , but give the space  for other people to change .

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