Almost all of us are aware of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is one of the 10 increation of Lord Vishnu . Krishna more than Hindu god , is a true spiritual guru in this universe. He educated the world about devotion , and dharam as well as the eventual reality . Lord Krishna has been a role model for the people in the every sense in the past in the today's modern world and certainly will remain in future . Krishna has many life lessons & here are some lessons we should adopt to live great life . 1. Be humble and generous Lord Krishna was the king of dwarika and ruled over here . It shows how generous and humble Lord Krishna is . Be generous enough to give people to be happy in there lives . 2. Don't work harder , work intelligently The battle of kurukshetra was not fight with only strength , but it was fight with intelligent and strategy . A hard working person way work hard fo...

Now we are going to talk about you can actually do Or how can you respond to in sults . So the first thing you go to remember when you are faced with an insult I'd to stay calm . So they want to ensure that you get angry or you just may be break down and cry . But you are now at going to give them satisfaction of the kind of the reaction . Express , how you exactly feel It is also very important to tell the person who is insulating you how you exactly feel . So you can also tell them that if what they doing is illegal it can have . Unforeseen or unpleasant circumstances for them . So when you are face with an insult it is important that you tell the person who has insulting you what you actual feel . Simple ignore The next point know when responding to an ...

Hey jinventors , if you want to be an entrepreneur then this article is for you . I'm not here to demotative you but want to aware you what will be the dark side of entrepreneurship ? So don't be demotivate . Prepare from today . Let's discuss about this . (1). Your product or service may fail :- If you are planing to launch a new product or new service then do a backup plan , because if it will not able to attract people then it will fail badly . Let's take an example of Indian smartphone brands . They are unable to launch attracted smartphone and failed badly . And now you can see where micromax , Lava, Karbonn are ? (2). Competition :- Every beginner thinks that their idea is unique , but after they lunch the business there exist many other business which are similar to them . Or if different then someone will come to start business like them & if that business goes well than be...

Hey jinventores , you all know about Bill gates . So let's discuss about how he become successful rich person ? So let's start it ..... Biography :- Bill gates born on October 28 , 1955 in Seattle , Washington .At the age of 13 ,he become computer programmer . And then with Paul Allen he launched microsoft and in year 2000 he founded bill & Melinda gates Foundation which is a charitable foundation . And with his hard & smart work see settled a well business . And now microsoft is the king of personal computer software . No software company can beat Microsoft till now . Net worth :- He have 10 , 590 crores USD in 22 September 2019 & it's growing on its way . And now his per second income is 150 usd & 80k USD Per minute . Family :- Success Tips:-

Learning to save money , especially finding ways to do it quickly , is something that can benefit anyone . Whether your reason may be , there are a lot of ways to save money . (1). Track your spending & create a budget :- Tracking your spending is the very best to indentifie where you are spending your money and you see areas where you can reduce spending , you can set a renewable budget and then stick to it . (2). Pay off your debt :- If you're carrying a credit card debt , you are wasting money . As difficult as it may be , your top priority should be to pay off your debt and free yourself from those high interest rates . (3). Automate saving transfer each pay day :- If you can't seem to create a habit of saving , scheduling automatic transfer to your savings account can be huge help . When you have a certain amount of your pay check automatically transfer to your savings account each pay day . ( 4) . Neg...

Hey Jinventors , You all know about Google . So today we are going to talk about how Google started & now how Google earns money . So start it :- (1).How did Google started :- In 1995 in Google story begins . It began to start found university . Two student lary page & sergey Brin . At first there was a person named ,"Scott Hassan " , who wrote a lot code for "Google ". But after some time he left Google and found the company ' willow Garage ' in 2006 .At initial days Google was named as 'Backrub ' .And in August 1998 Google got a $100,000 founding & from that year Google started growing & now you can see ' Google ' . (2). How Google earns money :- You know that Google is a company which provides many other service like : Gmail , YouTube , maps , web , play store etc . And don't have to pay a Single dollar for this services . But how Google earns money ? Answer is so simple . ...

Be inspired by these inspirational quote on life and success which have motivational and up lifting word wisdom that can make a positive impact on your life and your success . Be encouraged by them , let's see some inspirational quotes . (1). If it takes a single step to achieve your goals, then take that single step. If it takes 1000 steps to turn your dreams into reality, then take that 1000 steps. (2). If you try to get 60, then you will get only 50. So try to get 100, you can achieve 90. (3).Push your self , because noone else is going to do it for you . (4). Great things never come from comfort zone . (5). The harder you work for something , the greater you'll feel when you will achieve it . (6). Do something today that your future self will think you for . (7). Always Be Independent. (8). The key to success to focus on goals , not obstacles . (9). The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity . The o...

Your personality plays an important role in every working place . So you have to develop a good personality . Let's discuss what personality is ? Basically personality is a physical or mental state of an individual & also remember that it's not the look or hair style any more , if you are thinking this define personality of any person , then you are wrong . So today we are going to tell you some important personality development tips and tricks. so here are the tricks :- (1). Improve your communication skill;- It will never enough boost up your career if you are only attractive outside , you have some great cummnication skills . It's very important to learn communication skill in your life . This will help you to build your self confidence & you know that how your confidence matters . You suggest you to read "how to talk to anyone - 92 little tricks for big success in relation ship " . ...

Hey Jinventors, Here are some simple success tips for you. You can apply this in your life to get success. 1. Use 21/90 Principle:- You know that doing the same thing for 21 days become a habit & remember that doing that thing for 90 days , added to your daily schedule by default . So you can make any good habit by applying this rule. 2.change your mindset:- Don't think that it's impossible . Always push your limit . In this Universe everything is possible , if you think & do so . Don't think that it's impossible , always think that how you can make it happen. 3 . Think big:- Always think to do big work or give your 100% to that. See if you'll try to achieve 60 , then you will be get 50 and if you'll try to achieve 95 , then you will get 90 . So Alw ays do the best. 4. Cross your limits & be rude to yourself :- Every...

Whether you do or not, you can always improve areas where you are lacking you can change what & how you think . You can become rich । Some times property happens due to things beyond your control. It's only meant to high light difference in mindset & habit that any individual can take control off to make life better financially. So here are the basic differences between Rich people and poor people :- 1. Rich people manage their money well:- One of the seasons rich people are rich is that they know how to manage the money well in general , they keep a budget. They believe that credit card and bills & car payment are just a part of life. 2. Rich people focus on reward:- ...