Top Inspirational quotes for success in life - Jinventor

         Be inspired by these inspirational quote on life and success which have motivational and up lifting word wisdom that can make a positive impact on your life and your success . Be encouraged by them , let's see some inspirational quotes .

(1). If it takes a single step to achieve your goals, then take that single step. If it takes 1000 steps to turn your dreams into reality, then take that 1000 steps.

(2). If you try to get 60, then you will get only 50. So try to get 100, you can achieve 90.

(3).Push your self ,  because noone else is going to do it for you . 

(4). Great things never come from comfort zone .

(5). The harder you work for something , the greater you'll feel when you will achieve it .

(6). Do something today that your future self will think you for . 

(7). Always Be Independent.

(8). The key to success to focus on goals , not obstacles .

(9). The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity . The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty . 

(10). Don't let yesterday up to make of today .
(11). It's not whether you get knocked down , it's whether get up .

(12). If you are working on something that you really care about , you don't have to be pushed . The vision pulled you .

(13). People who are crazy enough to think they can change world , are the once who do .

(14). Say 'NO' to less important things if your time is loss at that time. 

(15). We may encounter many defects but we must not be defected . 

(16). Be cool in all moment.

(17). We generated fears while we sit we over come them by actions .

(18). Whether you think you can't , you're right .

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