Bill Gates - Short bio, Net worth, Success Tips, Family

Hey jinventores , you all know about Bill gates . So let's discuss about how he become successful rich person ? So let's start it .....
Biography :-
Bill gates born on October 28 , 1955 in Seattle , Washington .At the age of 13 ,he become computer programmer . And then with Paul Allen he launched microsoft and in year 2000 he founded bill & Melinda gates Foundation which is a charitable foundation . And with his hard & smart work see settled a well business . And now microsoft is the king of personal computer software . No software company can beat Microsoft till now .
Net worth :-
 He have 10 , 590 crores USD in 22 September 2019 & it's growing on its way . And now his per second income is 150 usd & 80k USD Per minute .

Family :-

Success Tips:-

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