How to spend your salary smartly in 6 ways ? JINVENTOR

    Hey jinventors,
                        Today you are going to know about some smart ways to spend your salary . That ways are :-

      You can invest in mutual funds and some other places from which you can able to get a huge amount after some time. This is a compounding method. To know more about mutual funds click here :-click here 

      Actually one should spend the salary after saving instead of saving after spending the money. One shoul save atleast 10% - 20% of monthly salary. And then that should be invested in money compounding financial places like Mutual funds , gold,share market. Which help them to multiply the value of money 💰..
For which they can get long term benefits.

(3) SIPs :-
      This is another type of mutual fund. You can start with 500 RS per month. And it can't be withdrawn with in a certain time period like 1 year, 3 year & 5 year. But in SIP if you invest for long period then you will get more benefit.

See how an indian woman made a $1 Billion company with in just 3 years :-

     According to many richest people you should have many ways of income. Instead of depending upon only one resource you should create some pssive income ways. So start a small company & manage your company. Start your company with some percentage of salary. And then montgly wise invest in it and grow your business.

     Without wasting your money elsewhere you should spend it on buying the things which are really nesessary for you or which will help you in future.

(6) USE 50/30/20 RULE :-
      This is the famous rule on spending the money. If you cannot able to decide how to spend money or how to ivest and spend, then this rule will help you a lot. According to this rule you should spend the 50%  of your salary to buying the things are really required for you and spend the money on which are really necessary like electric bill, home rent , education, transport. And then you  should spend the 30% money of your salary on your wishes means the things you want to buy like car, home, smartphone . But first you have to save the 20% money of your salary . Then you will manage your money with clever way.

    Create your budget on daily , weekly or monthly basis to avoid extra money spending. If you create a budget then you have the control on your spendings. If you have no budget then you will face a lot problems like as :- if you are going to a market to buy a smartphone and you are not decided your budget then the shop owner approaches you to buy expensive phones . But you don't need to buy that because you are a normal smartphone user. But they hype their phones and there is no doubt you will go for the expensive phone. And your money will waste. 

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